body odour

美 [ˈbɑːdi oʊdər]英 [ˈbɒdi əʊdə(r)]
  • n.体臭;汗臭
body odourbody odour


an unpleasant smell from a person's body, especially of sweat

body odour


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 汗臭;体臭
    Body odour is an unpleasant smell caused by sweat on a person's body.


malodorousness resulting from a failure to bathe
Synonym: body odor B.O.


  1. suggestive of a chronic body odour problem , manifesting under stress .


  2. Is their personal body odour attractive to you ?


  3. Say no to body odour


  4. Seriously , farting is never funny and body odour is not cute .


  5. there are situations in which a person 's unpleasant body odour increases others ' helping behaviours toward this person ' .


  6. Germans were deemed to have bad body odour , Englishmen were accused of letting women do all the work .


  7. Specific cells in one of the three organs that make up the mosquito 's nose are tuned to identify the different chemicals that make up human body odour .


  8. The authors said this ' showed that there are situations in which a person 's unpleasant body odour increases others ' helping behaviours toward this person ' .


  9. Humans choose partners through their body odour and tend to be attracted to those with a dissimilar genetic make-up to themselves , maintaining genetic diversity .


  10. Promotion is the answer - he can have an office in which to store his bad body odour and shout at his screen to his heart 's content .


  11. And the study revealed more than half of Brits ( 54 percent ) worry about their own body odour , while 45 percent have concerns about having bad breath in a social situation .


  12. To the mosquito some people 's sweat simply smells better than others because of the proportions of the carbon dioxide , octenol and other compounds that make up body odour .


  13. However , they scored no more highly than the other men in terms of having a sexy voice or ' attractive ' body odour , the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society reports .


  14. I have a senior colleague who is good at his job , but so bad with people , I think he may be on the autistic spectrum – as well as being a borderline alcoholic with bad body odour .


  15. Her husband spent two-and-a-half years hunting , eating , howling and sleeping with four male wolves in a park - even restricting his diet to meat and not showering so his body odour would match theirs .


  16. For the study , 42 men were asked , in rotation , to eat raw garlic , garlic capsules , or no garlic , and wear pads in their armpits for 12 hours afterwards , to collect body odour .


  17. The body odour of the men was perceived to be ' significantly more attractive and less intense ' when they had eaten the garlic in bulb and capsule form than when they ( the same men ) hadn 't eaten it .


  18. Half a lemon wiped on the armpits , for example , helps kill the bacteria that causes body odour as well as eliminating those ruining yellow stains on white garments created by the reaction between sweat and the aluminium in antiperspirants .


  19. ' Even though it has been argued that bad scents invoke negative judgments , we argued and demonstrated that a bad body odour elicits feelings of pity in others . 'This can include underarm sweat , smelly feet , bad breath or other foul-smelling odours .


  20. This suggests that the role of such perfumes may be to flag up the underlying body scent rather than mask it , as a more traditional view of the aesthetics of body odour might suggest .


  21. From an evolutionary perspective , formation of preferences for diet-associated body odours was possibly shaped by means of sexual selection.For the study , 42 men were asked , in rotation , to eat raw garlic , garlic capsules , or no garlic , and wear pads in their armpits for 12 hours afterwards , to collect body odour .
